Fairlawn Medina Landscape supply is proud to be an official drop off point for the “People Care: Pet Pantry”
Donation Wish List:
Bagged & canned food for: Dogs, Cats, Puppies, Kittens, etc…
Cat litter and Puppy pads
Beds, Blankets & bedding for all animals.
Collars & leashes (New or gently used)
Treats for all animals
Guinea Pig, Hamster, Rabbit & Ferret food.
Bird Food – Parrots, Cockatiels, Canary, Cockatoos, Finches
Horse feed & Chicken feed
Pet Health items: Ear wash, Flea medications & suppliments
Foldable travel water bowls
Dawn dish soap & dreft liquid
Charity supplies: 2 gallon zip loc bags, printer paper, index cards & gas cards are appreciated.
All New & Gently used pet items are accepted!
Help us Keep the families together!
Phone: 330-389-5116
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://peoplecarepetpantry.com
Founders: Rene & Tom Lamp
501 (c) (3) Public Charity